This week has brought no big revelations in training.  Just more running, biking, and a little bit of swimming.  Oh, and lots of focus on my nutrition.  It's amazing the difference focusing on your nutrition makes on your workout.  But, 5 days does not an expert make, nor does it even really give a true sense of whether the changes are sustainable (they seem like it, because they aren't HUGE changes...but again, it's been five days) and whether they will work long-term.  But I guess that's the nature of training.  Some weeks are great and are huge milestones, some weeks are awful and it seems unclear how everything will get done and every workout is a struggle to get through, and other weeks, like this week, you just put in the time, log the miles, and move on.  

     But this week I made time to do one of my favorite things in the world.  Take my dog for a run with me.  I usually try to take him on runs 1-2 times/week when my runs aren't too long.  But sometimes that just doesn't happen.  Our run this week was a little bit more interesting than most.  Dooley found a ball about half a mile into our run and carried it with him the entire rest of the run (3 more miles).  Panting with a ball in your mouth is not easy (from what I can gather) but he managed it.


     Have a great weekend and do what you love...even if that's running three miles with a tennis ball in your mouth.


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