Colder Weather

I try not to complain. I know that I have nothing to complain about. If I'm tired, there's someone out there who is training harder than I am, with a heavier workload, and most likely 7 kids. I get it, my life is not that difficult. But recently I've had a really hard time dealing with winter being here. I know that for other people, they are training in basically the arctic tundra. I understand that to those people weather in the 40s and 30s is nothing to complain about. However, I'm not those people. I LOVE hot weather and the cold just makes me want to cry. Since coming back from Florida I've had a hell of a time getting myself motivated. My training has consisted of strength training, a tiny bit of yoga, running on the treadmill, and swimming (indoors obviously). I cannot get myself motivated to go outside. I do not like the cold one little bit. When I left for Florida it was warm, summer was winding down. It was starting to cool off a little bit, and w...