This Little Corner of the Internet
Wow! It's been a while since I've updated this tiny piece of the internet that I write on. In fact, it took me a while to even figure out how to log back in, much less attempt to update. Looking back at the last post I wrote makes me realize how much has changed since then. In triathlon, I finished another Ironman (in the toughest racing conditions I've ever experienced; maybe I'll write about that sometime). At work, my practice has steadily morphed over the past few years, and now, my job looks almost nothing like it did the last time I posted. In terms of family, Dooley got a baby brother (who is now two making "baby" a real stretch). Ironman Maryland 2015 While I chased and pursued these dreams and opportunities and experienced major life changes over the past few years, triathlon took a back seat. At first, not intentionally, but after time I realized something had to give. And the thing that needed to give, that I would allow to give, was triath...