It takes a village

I've heard it said that "it takes a village to raise a child." While looking back over this past year, I've learned that the whole "taking a village" thing is not only true of children. It apparently also (at least in my case) takes a village to raise and Ironman. Thank you notes and Tshirts going out to my friends and family who won't be there in person. There are so many people in my life who have gotten me to the point I'm at today. Whether it's giving me a pep talk when I needed it most, listening to me whine about the 5 hour bike ride on schedule for the next day knowing full well that I signed up for this, inviting me over for dinner and making extra hamburgers because they, as Ironmen, know the hunger of someone training 15+ hours a week, or making laugh when I was laying on the floor with calf cramps. It really does take a village, and without my village, I most certainly would have no hope of standing on th...